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10:30 AM

3.1 mi


6:09 mi


73 F

Race Result

34 / 1289 (2.6%)
4 / 71 (5.6%)
25 / 573 (4.4%)


I had looked forward to this race for weeks since it's probably the flattest course I'll run all year. Weather seemed pleasant at the start. Started out solid and kept up with Dave and Bob for the mile or so. Then passed Bob, and then Dave pulled ahead of me. Followed Dave to the finish. The last mile was very hot. As I approached the finish I saw the clock ticking toward 19:00 and realized I wasn't going to make it under that. Tried to sprint in and almost made it. Disappointing, but a very solid PR. Afterwards I nearly passed out from the effort and heat. Had a Coors light in the "beer garden" and it was so refreshing and rejuvenating. Ominous twinges in right hip later in day.
