Run: Race Previous Next


10:04 AM

5 mi


6:03 mi


165 lb
165 bpm
176 bpm


34 F


6 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

3 / 30 (10%)


Rough week and really tired. Maybe got around 6.5 hours sleep. Was going to do the Master's Indoor Mile, but bailed b/c I couldn't justify dishing out $55 for a race. Headed up to Fresh Pond to meet up with some BAA guys for the weekly saturday "race" instead.

Windy & cold at the start. Started at a moderate pace just behind John and Mike. Was joined about a mile in by an older and younger guy, wearing track spikes, that I remember from the bu dev mile race. I let them pass me and the used the as a windshield for the rest of the first lap. Chest felt tight and just didn't feel comfortable for most of the 1st lap. I noticed both slowed going up the final hill leading to the finish line. 1st lap 15:15. 6 runners ahead of me, but 4 dropped so now we were 3-5th place. Strong headwind starting 2nd lap. 0.5 miles into 2nd lap, I felt the pace lagging and decided to pick it up. Lost the older guy, but guy in spikes stuck with me for about another mile before falling back. Tried to keep the pace strong to make the guy work to stay with me and eventually lost him, too. Got stronger over the last mile, struggled a bit on the last hill, but finished with about a 20 second negative split. Hard to believe I can run just over 6:00 as a tempo run!

109 cpm
