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9:00 AM

5 km


5:49 mi


75 F
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Random Route


COMMENTS: started off about 3-4 back from the leader. Shirtless guy took off and gapped everyone. I stayed in 4-5 or so. 1st mile was comfortable. Passed by a couple more people after mile 1. Made the turn on Thomas St. and was slowed a bit by the hill. Eventual winner came tearing by me up the hill. I caught a guy in a yellow shirt going up the hill, then tried to stretch my legs out on the downhill portion. After reaching Main St., with about a mile left, it was just a matter of hanging on. I was definitely feeling the basketball from Monday by now. Just couldn't muster a kick. 1st woman passed me with about half a mile... wasn't breathing hard at all. Then yellow shirt guy (Doug) passed me shortly after that. As I neared the finish line, saw the official clock at 17:56 and tried to make a push for sub-18:00... missed by 1-2 seconds.

1 - 5:41

2 - 5:50

3.1 - 6:30 (5:55)
