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8:30 AM

17.5 mi


7:39 mi


165 lb
151 bpm
170 bpm


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COMMENTS: Feeling much better this morning. Not feeling anymore ill effects from gastro. Took some water and headed out with drimove, jacket, hat and gloves. Really windy.

Tempo run with 6 HH repeats w/ BAA Had to move to catch up with BAA group. Settled in comfortably at the back of the pack for the first ~4.5m; a little fast but comfortable. Really pushed it on the 2 mile tempo... trying to catch Josh. Probably should have just kept up with them during the warm up run. Tempo felt comfortably hard but sustainable. Hill repeats smooth and strong; experimented with shorter strides. Got easier except for the last one, which I pushed hard with Josh. Cool down from the top of Heartbreak w/ Sean & Josh. Decided to do a longer cool down with Sean to Kenmore. Comfortable on the way down; coming back was brutal. Not sure if I went too long on this run, but felt pretty comfortable the whole way.

0-1.4: 10:46 (7:41 - 165/212?)

1.4-4.4: 23:24 (7:48 - 148/156)

4.4-6.4: 13:11 (6:36 - 164/171)

6.4-7.0: 5:03 (8:25 - 156/165)

7.0-10.7: 26:29 (7:10 - 156/170)

- hill repeats (2:16, 2:13, 2:14, 2:13, 2:13, 2:05 - avg: 2:12.3 or 6:34 pace, RI ~2:35)

10.7-17.5: 54:46 (8:03 - 146/168)
