Run: Race Previous Next


8:31 AM

5 mi


5:58 mi


165 lb
176 bpm
185 bpm


63 F


9 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

6 / 1702 (0.4%)
3 / 251 (1.2%)


Started off comfortably, but maybe a little fast. Not sure if 1st marker was too short? Stayed with 2 guys and 1st woman for the 1st mile, but pulled back when I realized pace was too hard to maintain. Tried to cut my losses on the 2nd mile and just stayed in contact. 2nd mile was slow, so picked up the effort after this. Started to make up ground along Charles St. and hit my groove around mile 3. Was within striking distance of next guy by Washington St. and slowly made up ground on the uphill into downtown crossing. Passed him on corner leading into PO square. Gunning for next guy now. Really started to push the effort and noticed the next guy slowing on the bridge by Intercontinental. He slowed at the crest of the hill and then doubled over to dry heave. By now, feeling pretty lousy but still strong enough to push the pace. Striding hard home, not enough for a PR.
