Run: Race Previous Next


10:30 AM

5 km


5:47 mi


165 lb
175 bpm
189 bpm


60 F


9 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

3 / 123 (2.4%)
2 / 16 (12.5%)


Did some strides with Bill, than got in line for the start. Went with the front group. 1st guy look really comfortable despite pace and looked really smooth. Bill was giving him a gap. Right behind was a group of 3-4 guys and slotted in behind them. I stayed with them through Coolidge Corner. Then the pack started to string out. I was sitting comfortably in 4th. As we headed into the downhill section before the turnaround, began to make up ground on the 3rd place guy and passed him by cutting inside of him on the turnaround. I quickly surged after the turnaround and gapped him. i could still see Bill ahead of me, but he looked strong and not catchable. I tried to hold a strong and steady cadence. Almost ran over a guy in front of Hebrew bookstore who was looking the wrong way. Then, almost got run over by a car when they let traffic through in Coolidge Corner. After the intersection, I could tell the runner behind me was gaining, so I eased up a bit to try to preserve my energy for a final push. He passed me just before Stop and Shop and said "nice job." Instantly riled me up and decided to hang with him by applying pressure from behind. He kept trying to edge me over to the left, but I maintained my position as we rounded the corner on to Aspinwall. Then he made a move coming out of the turn and I was a little late in responding. However, he started to fade on the uphill heading towards Washington St., so I took advantage and pounced with a strong surge. He didn't respond, and I stretched my lead out to the finish. Very happy with my race tactics today. However, traction was iffy with the rain and I felt like I could have run faster with better condition. Can't really complain about the temps!

118 cpm
