Run: Long Previous Next


8:15 AM

22.5 mi


7:20 mi


168 lb
153 bpm
183 bpm


42 F


6 / 10
5 / 10
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Down the Hatch run w/ BAA

Really tired this morning and not looking forward to this run at all. After playing about 2 hours of b-ball yesterday, then drank a little bit too much at the wine tasting. Mild strain of right TFL from ball. To top it off, didn't have enough carbs at dinner and then didn't sleep well. Not adding up to a good pre-run prep. In the morning, had a waffle and juice, water and some pedialyte. Not feeling hungover, though.

Started off pretty easy, though stiff from the cold. TFL soon loosened up. Joined up with Chris and Pat, running the 1st 6 miles pretty comfortably. Then, we agreed on MP from miles 6-14. 1st mile was tough, but found a groove about 3 miles into the tempo portion. Caught up with a couple other BAA guys at the 15K stop (Kevin, Chris Bennestadt, and shuffler), who then stuck with us until mile 14. Hit Mile 13 at exactly 1:30. Still feeling pretty good. Stopped for a some fluids and powergel at 14.8, and then really had trouble getting going again. Legs stiff and never recovered. Once I hit the hills, knew I was in trouble. Chris and Pat slowly pulled away and I spent the next 4 miles taking walking breaks maybe once a mile. Completely ran out of gas. Started to feel overheated going over heartbreak, and then toughed it out through Cemetery mile. Really rough finish.

Really need to make sure I prep well for next long run. Been a bit cavalier with the pre-long run prep lately and need to get disciplined again.

107 cpm
