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9:45 AM

22.2 mi


7:52 mi


165 lb
146 bpm
165 bpm


35 F


COMMENTS: Strung together a couple good nights of sleep, so I felt pretty well rested going into the run. Designed a route that would mimic Austin, with a tough hill at the beginning (0-1.5), mile 5, 12-13, 15, 16.5, 21. Had two glasses of water and headed out with tights, singlet and jacket. Ended up overdressing... started sweating by mile 5. Bothered me a little, but not really a problem for the rest of the run; more worried that I would dehydrate.

HR stayed pretty constant except for the tough uphills. Pit stop at mile 8. Saw the Blue Hills Ski slope around mile 10. Nice stretch of pavement along Truman Highway. Almost took a wrong turn around mile 11.5. Charged by a vicious Bernese Mountain Dog in Stonybrook. Mile 15 hill was a little tough, but a nice stretch through the Arboretum. Started to fatigue running into JP. Managed to hold the pace despite wanting to stop. 2nd wind hit around mile 20 and plugged on through the tough uphill of mile 21. Picked it up for the last uphill on Tappan St. Felt lateralis almost seize up, so stopped at just the right time. Hydrated, stretched, and ice bath. Overall, a great run. Snowed the night before, so ~1/3 of the run was slippery.

0-10: 1:18:40 (7:52 - 145/158 )

10-20: 1:18:55 (7:54 - 148/165 )

20-22.2: 17:04 (7:45 - 150/159)
