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5:15 PM

14.5 mi


8:03 mi


144 bpm
166 bpm


74 F
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COMMENTS: Whittier and Anchorage

2 hours of kayaking in the morning in the Prince William Sound. Didn't really eat well today. Had leftover pastries for lunch, then had some nachos while wandering around the museum. Didn't drink much today either. Downed a thing of gatorade before heading out. Felt hot. Spent a lot of time at the beginning looking for CK in the market, then set off down the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail. Nice scenic runs, with some medium uphill sections. A little hot, but nice in the shade. Some parts were beautiful, like Point Woroznof near the airport. Picked it up on the way back so I could make it for dinner. Tired a bit at the end because I felt dehydrated... who knows. Downed two gatorades when I got back to Captain Cook.

1.5: 17:28 (11:39 - 113/144)

6.5: 52:29 (8:05 - 146/155)

6.4: 46:38 (7:17 - 154/166)

118 cpm
