Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:30 AM

8.1 mi


6:47 mi


158 bpm
183 bpm


70 F
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Town Park


Ode to Joy: old-school shoes for the win!

Had 3x 2K @ Tempo penciled in on my plan for today, and saw that my GPS suggested 2x 15 minutes @ 6:15 pace. So I thought sure, I need a good ass kicking. What's a few more minutes of work at a harder effort? First 15 minutes went pretty well; I stayed mostly relaxed, but my quads were a bit shaky after and I was nervous about the second rep. I definitely had to dig pretty deep on that one, especially since I changed direction and now had to run up the biggest hill in the park into the wind. Was pretty wiped after this session, but excited to finally see a spark of fitness!

Also, I wore my Adidas Takumi Sen 3s for the first time in a while. Goes to show you that you don't need supershoes to run quickly!
