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11:00 AM

6 km


5:55 mi


80 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

Akron Falls


PGXC Akron Falls. Very hot and sunny. Legs felt flat and sluggish the whole time. Got out decent; not too fast, but not too slow either. Most of the RKR guys were ahead of me in the first half mile. Caught up to Mark Saile and Kraig maybe half a mile in and stayed with them for a while. Passed them on the second loop and caught Streb shortly after the uphill to the long loop. Never saw Brett but apparently he wasn't too terribly far ahead of me (although he did beat me by 40 seconds). Mike Nier passed me on the second loop and I tried to stay with him, but he pulled away. During the last kilometer, though, I could tell I was catching back up. As we came into the finishing stretch, I sprinted as hard as I could and caught him right before the line. We both ran 22:03 but I was a few tenths of a second ahead. Nearly puked after that kick.
