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11:00 AM

5 mi


5:38 mi


55 F


Pete Glavin XC race #4. Was kind of hoping to run around Ryan Burke's PR of 27:15, but I'm not in quite that good of shape yet. Ran without a watch which I think helped me, but also made it hard to gauge where I was in the race as I was losing track of how many loops I had done. The course was boring; four laps of a 2k loop, but luckily the conditions were pretty ideal. The wind wasn't even all that bad.

Got out hard and wasn't too far behind Kenny and Dave in the first mile. I definitely slowed down in the next four miles, but I still passed a lot of people and wasn't passed a single time. On the third loop, I was catching up to a Syracuse guy and a Bergen guy, so I pushed up a hill right at the start of the fourth loop to pass them both, then picked the pace up a notch to stay ahead of them. Didn't have a great kick but was quite tuckered after. I was very happy to run under 28 minutes on a cross country course!

The rest of the team ran well too, and then we cooled down by jogging around the course and cheering for the women and the masters men.
