Run: Crazy Good Previous Next


11:00 AM

5.2 mi


13:01 mi


157 lb



10 / 10
10 / 10


Incredible joy, almost called this a spectacurama but it wasn't on Sunday and it wasn't a long run. I cannot believe I felt so good after not having run for so long. Okay I did manage to chafe and it really hurts but I am happy!

It was raining and I tried to wait until it was lighter but it was alternating between regular and really heavy. There were gigantic, sloppy puddles everywhere, the trail part became a river and my clothes clung to me, a bit uncomfortable for me and those around me. hee hee.

Things that are good touch in the rain: trees, brick walls, that new chain link fence with the black matting on reservoir. Odd things to touch in the rain include those cat-o-nine tails type plants and those things that look like green brains. What the hell kinda seed/pod/plant reproductive organ is that?

Sigh, such a good run.

I made it all the way to the stretching spot but didn't because I was worried about getting the shuffle even more wet. About that, it was on low battery and just before it died I hit the flat part of reservoir on the way home. Kermit was singing about rainbows as I hit the part between 34th and 35th and with all the trees dripping and leaves right there to touch I was in running heaven. Then it died but I was only about a mile from home and it was fun. I posted about it as I was drying off.

I walked up all of 39th through the park - too slippery but started up again for a decent finish. I felt great through out but i will be sore because I never got around to stretching or using the foam roller.
