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Side to Side Lunge Med Ball

Stand with feet wide, toes out at about a 45-degree angle and hold the medicine ball (optional) or dumbbell at chest level. Lunge to the right, sending the hips back and sitting back on the right heel while reaching the ball towards the floor - keep the back straight here (no rounding). Push into the heel to stand up, bringing the weight back to the chest and do the move on the other side. Repeat for 12 reps. One rep is a lunge to the right and left.

Suggested Weight: 4-12 lb med ball or dumbbell for women, 10-20 lb dumbbell or med ball for men.

One Arm Arnold Press

Hold a moderate weight or kettlebell in the left hand and lower into a squat while taking the right arm out for balance. Keep the torso upright, the abs braced and make sure the knees are behind the toes. Keeping this position, begin with the palm facing in and push the weight up as you rotate the palm out. Take the arm back down, rotating the hand so that the palm faces in. Repeat for 12 reps on each side.

Stiff-Legged Deadlift and Bent-Knee Deadlift Combo

Hold weights in front of the thighs and tip from the hips, keeping the back straight and shoulders back as you lower into a deadlift. At the bottom of the movement with the weights near shins or toes, bend the knees, continuing to keep the back straight and the hips back. Push into the glutes to stand up and repeat, starting with the stiff-legged deadlift and switching to a bent-knee deadlift. Repeat for 15 reps.

Y-Chest Press

Lie on a bench and hold medium-heavy weights with elbows bent. Straighten the arms and press the weights up and out at an angle into a y-shape. Bring the weights together over the chest, lower back down and repeat for 15 reps.

One legged squats w weight and exercise ball to wall

kettlebell push ups

plank row w kettle


dead bugs
