Run: Easy Previous Next


5:20 PM

8 mi


9:43 mi



3 / 10
9 / 10
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This run was by far the easiest run ever! I even thought..I could totally talk Chris' ear off if he were here! :-) it IS a bit on the slower end but really one of the most enjoyable runs I've had in a super long time. What does comfortable mean? I mean, I KNOW what it means, but what do you mean by it with respect to running? Do I push a bit more than today?

So glad to have my groove back....just keep getting intimidated by the miles...even on "cut back" weeks :-/



That's great! These are the best kind of runs! Hopefully, with this being a bit of a recovery week and no workout, you will continue to feel this way all week and feel ready to rock and roll back to work when we pick things back up next week. What I mean by "comfortable" as opposed to "easy" is that if you feel really good and find the pace getting a little faster than normal, it is ok to go with it and not hold it back too much.


Provided it stays comfortable and doesn't cross the line into "work." So by "comfortable" I mean let it roll if it feels good. Don't worry too much about pace. Just enjoy the run. You have enough experience now to know the difference between when you are pushing and when you are comfortable, so I leave it up to you. That said, don't purposely TRY to run faster just cuz. Just saying it is ok to go a bit faster, IF it feels good, comfortable, and kinda just happens.


But it is also ok if it turns out to be the slowest run of the week too. I am not saying it HAS to be a faster run, and I don't want you looking at it like it is prescribed to be such. Just giving you the green light to roll a bit if it feels that way. What I don't want you doing is putting any sort of pressure or expectation on this run. Have fun!