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9:06 AM

6 mi


9:21 mi


4 / 10
9 / 10
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ran 5k this morning and then went and finished remaining miles. Stopped to see Eric get his yes, their is a significant time lapse. I was not ignoring what you said yesterday about not stopping...but I just wanted to see Eric get his award...AND I wanted to hear what the women in my age group are running...I better light a fire...or realize I'm just too slow for those women!

So I had to REALLY work at not taking off....thought it would be good to practice using that self control....(who has that anyways?)

Learned so much about the back of the race's crazy! there are so many people working to get under 30:00...and they're working their tails off......don't you ever want to say....don't go out too fast...or .... you went out too fast...dumbass! (I can say that b/c that was/is me too!)

Ready and scared for next week!



Great job all around. No worries about the stopping, I understand. And I gave up years ago trying to make people understand about pacing and going out too fast. I have been alongside many people early in races who were obviously running way too fast for their ability. I want to look at the 30 minute 5k guy who is doing a 6 minute pace in the first mile and say, "Plan on running 18:40, do ya?" ;o)


You've NEVER said that to Eric or me..... :-)