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7:00 AM

7 mi


9:45 mi


4 / 10
9 / 10
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i am sorry that I didn't get this in yesterday as I know a recovery run has a specific purpose. I promised you I wouldn't ever lie to you and so I won't...I should've gotten it in before church, and this wind is killing me! I'd rather run in single-digit temps than this whip-my-ponytail-around-my head wind! But it's done now.and I'm ready for next week



Well, I appreciate you being honest, and would never want anything less. I know it is only one day different, getting your 7 miles done today rather than yesterday, and on the grand scheme of things probably won't impact you much (I hope), but it is very important at this stage in training to do the runs when scheduled. Reason being, even though it is just one day different, it takes last weeks 7-day training from what should have been a 43 mile week to 37 miles.


And it makes this week, which should be a recovery week on miles to having no choice but to pack 45 miles into the 7 days. Like I said, it is only one day different, but it really does have a substantial effect on the big picture.