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1500 m


4:56 mi

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Finally got on the track after the rain delay pushed us back a couple hours. Conditions were pretty ideal except for the wet track but even that wasn't too bad. There were a couple pretty fast no time guys in this heat so we got out fairly quick probably around 68-69. Sat behind Sam until about 800 to go where he started to pull away. Had a rough 3rd lap with the guy behind me passing me, stuck with him until 500 to go and then started my push to the finish line. Managed to close pretty well and ran 1 second off my PR. Solid race, glad I got to run it and I'm pretty pleased with the time considering I've been focusing on steeple for the majority of outdoor. Glad I ran last chance this year as it was a super fun experience, especially watching Joe, Sam, Julie, Chris, and Rachel all PR in the 1500/800. Also watching TImmy race a 1500 after 2 days of training (and still running faster then Marquis) was pretty great. Now its time to shift my training for the 15k in 6 weeks. Don't worry its only 10x further then this and has hills.
