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7:31 AM

31 mi


13:04 mi

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Hashawha Hills 50K

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I really liked the course but too bad that course was very icy the first loop and very muddy and slippery the second loop. Ran first loop in 3:13 and spent 8 minutes at the half way point getting supplies before heading back out. Ran second loop in 3:23. I feel like I could have saved at least 20 minutes if the conditions were better. I met Al and he was running just ahead of me around mile 4 when he hit some ice and went down very hard. Later in the first loop just before the first aid station around mile 8 I was running with Smitty and we were on a road section and he slipped and took a hard spill. I helped him up and walk with him to make sure he was okay before pushing on. I had a couple near falls on the first loop and it affected the lines you had to run. Several times I chose to battle the briar bushes just to be able to get some grip slightly off of the trail.

On the second loop the road portions were much easier as you had good traction. But the trails were much wetter and I took a big fall on a down hill section that I was killing it on. I was probably only 1.5 miles into the second loop and barreling down a hill. This portion looked like an old wagon road that had muck where the wheels go and I was running in the area between the wheels and that area had a crown. I caught the edge of one of my shoes and I went down very hard. So hard that it knocked the wind out of me and scared me as I must have slid close to 20 feet. My knee was gashed open and I had mud all over my legs, my shorts and the back of my shirt. I brushed the mud off of my gloves as best I could and started going again. I caught up to Mark, Shelly and another lady that I ran some of the first loop with and they offered me some Advil and I told them I had already taken some and thanked them. The mud was very thick in places on the second loop. One place in particular was a short 1.5 mile out that had a small stream crossing. It felt good to wash some of the mud off of my legs when I crossed that stream. I ran into Tom Green who was entering the out-in back as I was finishing it. Tom looked at me and shook his head like a disgusted father and said "you're running too damn fast Jimmy" as he inspected my sad state. I told him I wanted to bring some of the course home with me.

When I got to the first aid station on the second loop about 8 miles into it I ate some pierogis before entering my favorite section of the course. My favorite section was a 2.3 mile loop that was up a big hill to enter this open field area. To get to the open field area you had to bomb it down a big hill. I passed five people on the second loop during this downhill portion as I was flying. Once you hit the open hay field area you made a loop around. This area had become slippery in places. Finally you bombed it back downhill and back to the aid station to complete the loop. I had a couple more pierogis and could tell that I was getting hungry as I had another cup of Coke and headed out for the last 4.75miles to the finish.

The last portion of the loop is my least favorite portion of the course. It starts with a 35 foot stream crossing that I played in the water for a few seconds and tried to remove some of the mud that had been gathering on my calves and lower legs. But once you leave the stream you run thru some very low lying areas that were just thick with mud and pulled at my calves as I fought to stay upright thru this portion. After a mile or so of fighting the mud you have another field portion that a welcoming relief but not long enough as once you finish the small field crossing you have a big climb straight up. Eventually you climb up to a bird rescue area. I had glanced over at this on the first loop and they had a couple different owl's that they had rescued and the birds weren't able to survive on their own. I think my kids would love to check this park out.

You finally make your way back to the start finish area with a few more climbs and dips to the finish. I'll definitely do this run again and I can't believe what a nice mug I received when I finished the run. In all had a great day and time. I met Judith, Conrad, Amanda, Hi and Betsy at the park-in ride. Betsy drove by herself and the rest of us piled into Judith's jeep.



Nice job Jazzy!!! Love your report--I can just see you sliding 20 feet like in an action movie. And to think you want to run it again--those must have been some gooood pierogis!


you were a bloody mess when I saw you and so glad you had a great run. Hoping that you are feeling well today.

You are going to HAD the HAT course!!! Thank you for driving us yesterday, I really appreciate it.