Bike: Easy Previous Next


3:00 PM

20 mi


17.65 mi / hr


192 lb
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wow...for the first time in my life i "got it " about riding. I started out in the small ring getting the cadence up and the legs loose and got to the 8 mile turn around, then wanted to see what running the big ring in the highest gear would be like. It was so much fun. I was aero running about 22-24 mph on flat stuff. Suffice to say it was fun. Makes me want to get better instead of being indifferent towards my next ride. From the numbness department, it was good until I really started to drop the hammer. I think it may be that I don't have the leg strenght yet and I drop my heals when I really have to push so the blood leaves my toes....I dunno, gonna try and focus on keeping a higher heel on my trainer ride tomorrow and see what happens.
