Run: Tempo Previous Next


8 mi


5:23 mi

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Workout was 1 x 4.0mi @ 5'30" >< 5'20", r 2' + 1 x 4.0mi @ 5'25" >< 5'15"

Hit the paces pretty much right on. The first mile felt really awkward as my left hamstring was still a little sore which was throwing off my stride a little, but I felt more natural after a while. Push the second rep a little harder to stay on pace, but didn't have to kill myself. Pretty tired at the end; I don't think i could have sustained another rep at that pace; certainly not without really going to the well.

Decent workout, but it's been a while since I felt like I had a great one. I'm hoping that getting in some races will get me off my mini slump/plateau.
