Run: Tempo Previous Next


10.1 mi


5:50 mi

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Had tempo with the team. The first 4+ were run with Eric in around 6min/mile pace. At the time it seemed a little slow, but in retrospect seeing how the second half of my workout went, it was plenty quick for how hot it was today (91 degrees plus humidity).

After they guys finished I did 6 more miles on my own. My first mile was going down the hill following a two minute rest, and I think I took it a little too hard (~5:20) for the first mile. When I started going back uphill, I really started to feel it in my legs and breathing. I was expecting to be able to hold 5:20 to 5:25 for the 6 miles on my own, but I guess the running beforehand plus the heat really took it's toll, as I was only able to manage 5:45s. Tough workout, but definitely not all bad. Definitely pretty beat up when I got back to MBA, but I hydrated well and got some food in me quickly. Undecided about doubling tomorrow morning.
