Run: Long Fast Run Previous Next


12 mi


5:29 mi

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<No name>


Really good impromptu workout in Atlanta. Walked out the door planning on running an easy long run, but I was inspired by Wietecha and Joey's solid workout the other day. With my old, ratty trainers on, no goal pace, and no route in mind, I just started running hard. I'm counting the first two miles as my warm-up as my legs weren't really moving yet, and really the third mile was 5:55 so I wasn't really hitting my stride yet.

From miles 3 - 14, I averaged 5:29, feeling really relaxed despite some really hilly running at times. Had splits as fast as 5:12, but that mile had a big downhilll, as well as spilts as slow as 5:39, but that one had a big up.

Really happy with how the run went. As opposed to most of my very planned, controlled workouts, I just started running and listened to my body. A nice change of pace. Ready to get back on the horse and cranking out some really good training.



That a boy! Can't wait until all three of us join up for some sessions.