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13.1 mi


6:21 mi

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<No name>


Ran the Dry Creek Half Marathon this weekend. Didn't know if I would be able to run it until the day before for travel and health reasons, but I set my alarm for Sunday morning and decided to go for it.

Race was a ton of fun. I put some separation on the rest of the field from the very beginning, but definitely wasn't looking to push myself. First mile was around 6:00, but then I eased into the 6:20s that I ended up running for the rest of the way with the exception of the mile with the big uphill. Conditions were a little muddy, but definitely fun! Hip felt less than 100%, but I don't think that it is any worse for the wear.

Definitely took the time to have some fun during the race. I stopped around mile 6 so that I could get some mud to use as war paint (I was hoping to win muddiest award) and then finished it in with a blistering, flailing kick which still wasn't enough to win the best finish award. At the end, I had Leah hand me a root bear to that I could start replenishing my carbs ASAP. In the end, I did win the award for 1st through the aid station ($50 to turnip truck!) and 1st in the half marathon (pair of shoes and a 90 minute massage!), not to mention a sweet shirt and a pair of new Balega socks. Leah, Beth, Lee, and everyone at NRC did an awesome job putting on this race despite all the weather obstacles.

Definitely coming back next year to try and 3-peat in this race!
