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5.9 mi


4:57 mi

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Plan for today was:

2 x 1600 @ 5'05" + 2 x 1600 @ 5', r 2'15" + 3 x 1000 @ 3' (1'13"5 >< 1'14" / 400m), r 2'

Paces ended up being:

(5:04, 5:03, 4:59, 4:58, 2:59, 2:59, 2:56)

Workout felt really comfortable running the workout at pace, though the paces weren't blazing. Noticed I would almost always run the first lap of a repeat about 3-4 seconds faster than the second lap, but end up on pace for the rep as a whole. Started noticing some asthmatic wheezing at the end; will go in and talk to my doctor soon.
