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13.1 mi


6:30 mi

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<No name>


Was planning on doing this trail race in Mourne, Norther Ireland as a hike, which is why I ran earlier in the day. About 10 seconds in to walking, I got bored and my competitiveness got the best of me so I started running. Hard. Led the race from 1 mile to the end. Though the time isn't that fast, there were times traipsing through the bogs that I thought I was going to lose a shoe. Footing was crazy at times, and there were two really steep sections I had to walk.

Given my horrible condition right now and the tenuous health my knee, it probably wasn't the best idea in the world to race this hard. The ~18 miles today was triple any other day I've had since April practically, but I really enjoyed (actually, that's a lie; racing out of shape hurts). Hoping my knee holds up. Fun to get the "W".
