Daleco's profile   

My first 800, Ontario Masters Championships, 2013. Photo: Doug Smith.
Name: Alec
Age: 43
Height: 1.70 m
Location: St. John's, NFLD
About me: 
Father as of August 2013. Professor as of July 2011—I teach Russian film, literature, and the language.
Why do I run: 
As of February 2014 I wanna run 400s and 800s... They may not be pretty, but they might be fun. Inspirations: San Jose State track team of late 60s. And I suppose I'm motivated by my great-uncle David Johnson, 400m Olympic finalist in 1924 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYNUxdoIacA (Lane 1 in the final)].
Why I started running: 
I came to Newfoundland in August 2011 and it was a nice place to run so I started doing that alongside swimming and finally gave up smoking. Eventually I found it was so nice that I gave up swimming all together.