Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:25 AM

6.2 mi


8:10 mi


160 lb
162 bpm
193 bpm


70 F
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Missed Thorsday cause I needed sleep, and way overate/drank last night at Clancy's. Anyway stomach wasn't wonderful (multiple trips to UPS) this morning but my WU felt good and the 20' tempo went well if a touch slow. The biggest downhill was so steep I was breaking so new goal is to learn to run that.Best part was that I felt like I could do another 20' at this pace but the goal was an ez-ish tempo to keep this a recovery week and I did that. Side note: I was about 20sec slower per mile (7:37 during the tempo section) compared to a similar run Oct 30th 2018 (7:16/mile) so hopefully I can get into that type of shape soonish.

Did a good job with my stretchs yesterday and it seemed to help so I'll find time to do them again latter today. Really lethargic this morning despite it being the third night in a row of 8+ hours sleep so I'll continue to focus on that as best I can in Denver. Crazyish theory to watch -- yesterday's stretchin worked so well because I did both sides and didn't ignore my "good" left side.

Goals for this week were: cutback/get healthy (YES)

20' TEmpo - YES

longish run - NO

some turnover works

tentative plan if I feel ok tomorrow morning is to run 60'EZ + 10xmin on/off + 10x30sec on/ min off.

Training Plan Entry



Thorsday... don't add mileage (cutback)
