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10 mi

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<No name>


20 min LT Interval -- started 7.5mph lowered to 7mph because I hit 92% HRR immediately

jog 4 min recovery

16 min LT interval --7mph was 94% HRR by end of this

WU = 4.0 in 39:36

1st tempo (20 min) 2.3 in 20:00

3.86=4 in 36:36 = 4min jog + 2nd tempo (16 min) +CD

So my leg (hammy) hurt initially in the first tempo but I found a stride that worked but my HRR was crazy high so I cut the pace back to 8:34/mile... and we still climbed to 93% by the end of the second tempo. I'm wondering if this plan is just a little too hard for me right now? I feel like these would be so much easier on Tuesday's instead of the day after a 9mile GA run... but I guess that's the point
