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11:02 AM

5.1 mi


9:25 mi


166 lb


85 F


2 / 10
1 / 10
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Strange little run. Started out amped up on caffeine with really heavy legs (and a knot in the right calf)and sore shoulders (lifted yesterday). Tried to keep it super ez until the hill then rolled up memorial and down McArthur but my legs just wouldn't loosen up enough to get any decent turnover going.The knot also never went away

Stopped at Iowa Run Company to see if they have Escalantes and for a gait analysis... other than having low cadence, they thought my stride looked good. Cadence was 160 @ 7mph, 168 @ 8 and 180 @ 9. I guess that just confirms my feeling that I couldn't turn over the legs. I'll have to double check cadence some day when I'm feeling fresh.They pointed out my body was pretty straight from head to foot, I wasn't overstriding, nor overpronating and things were consistent at different paces.
