Run: Easy Previous Next


6:30 PM

5.5 km


5:30 km


66 kg
  • Map



Stayed at a steady 10.5kph for the first 10 mins, then upped speed to 11kph. Ran at 11.5/12kph for the last ten mins.

Am going to maintain a lower pace for the first 10-15 mins of each run as I'm a little concerned about being able to 'feel' my old stress fracture. It's been four years since it was diagnosed and although there is no pain or discomfort at the fracture location, being able to 'feel' where it was is somewhat alarming. I'm hoping it's merely increased blood flow, or more likely, my overactive imagination (hopefully anyway).

Heart rate took 10 mins to hold at 150bpm, and another 8 or so mins to get to 160bpm. Max HR of 171bpm at 28 minute mark. Not too bad for an oldie :-)
