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1:30 PM

81 km


29.48 km / hr


62 kg
162 bpm



Had an AWESOME run to Rosedale - the tailwind was fantastic, and we had an average of nearly 35kph. Unfortunately, we then turned right........and straight into a headwind that lasted all the way to Loy Yang. OMG it wasn't very nice at all. I lost a little power in my legs after we rested at Gormy and struggled to keep up with Keith (who didn't have A-fib this time and totally kicked my arse). We still added a few more kms by heading up the highway in Traralgon to Coonuc Road, which probably upped our average a little seeing as I regained some power in my legs. Overall, a tiring but definitely worthwhile ride. Just don't ask me tomorrow how my legs are :-/
