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5:45 PM

5 mi


11:17 mi




165.7 lb


85 F
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FC05 Mile: Inspired Hybrid w/ Chad

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*Includes approx 4 minutes walked on Mile 3 near the Calabrese Club

Another outing with hella-inspiring Chad Savona, in a spontaneous run out & around town...

For me, this seems leading to a decision regarding this weekend's Jessie Kelley 11.6 Mile Road Race in New London. Chad's running it with Trent, and M & Gwen ran it a few years back, and it's supposedly an awesome, well-supported Run. After feeling a return to the wave of BTR-fueled running energy myself, the thought that seems to be gelling in my mind (and which I'd hoped to cement tonight) is training this summer not just for the Surftown Half in September, but... the Brooklyn Marathon in November again, as well...!

While tonight's run is decent, I still can only barely keep a pace together for the 5 miles; granted, the air is ultra-thick with humidity, but still... Tonight does scare me off from a longer run this weekend: I just haven't trained that well (esp without M) and I fear the damage a failure could do me were I to just go and embarrassingly flounder...

What IS strong, however, is the dialogue Chad & I share, and that he seems genuinely stoked at the prospect of the Brooklyn 26.2! AND, once M returns home from seeing her Dad at Backus Hospital, SHE starts talking it with us over Subway and starts to get excited too! Seems like cool plans are afoot: Now I just wait to see how the Kelley run actually does treat Chad (his FIRST official longer race!) and to start wheels turning for registration, logistics, and the goal waiting ahead for the Fall...
