Run: Long Previous Next


7:45 AM

12 mi


11:01 mi




161.1 lb


60 F


* Includes approximately the last 1/2 mile walked, from 2:02:50 onward...

An outstandingly strong run out with M for 95% of the course, then a profound lesson in hydration (or rather the lack of it) for the last 1/2 mile or so - Although hopefully hydration is the most serious lesson, as the pain and swelling that remains in my foot lingers suspiciously like something more dramatic... Pacing and speed work great, and up until the split where M gains ground on me after my merge back onto Main St. from Cross St., and which puts me pushing myself harder than I otherwise might have, the route is surprisingly comfortable. Lacking any satisfactory means of carrying the Gatorade M has kindly bought for me, I do stow the bottle in some bushes around Mile 3 and have almost no sufficient beverage in me until Mile 10 (I ran 10 last week without hydration, and that strikes me as being enough of an excuse to simply run without concern.) Things do begin to tighten up in my legs/ankles on that remaining 2 mile stretch through Downtown Westerly, but it only is along Mechanic St. that warning signs begin to flash, although even at that point my initial thoughts are simply of "top of foot pain" (TOFP) and I'm relatively comfortable pushing on through it. At Connors & O'Brien the push stops and genuine pain sets in - The last ideas of running to the finish fade as I finally see M (on her way back from the finish looking for me) on the Clark St. hill and physically can't maintain more than a hobbling walk. I do strongly hope this is simply a bit of swelling that will pass with RICE, especially as the thought of recuperating for up to six weeks leaves me less than enthused...
