Run: Easy Previous Next


8:15 AM

5.3 mi


16:14 mi


182 lb


66 F
  • Map


Training session with Jim. I didn’t do every single exercise but I did the majority with him. I also ran about a mile with the kettlebells.

Warm Up:

- 60 Second Battle Ropes

- 60 Second Plank

- 60 Seconds Bear Crawls

- 5 Burpees


- Run 1/2 Mile

- 20 Push-Ups

- 15 Body Weight Rows

- 10 Ab Wheel Rollouts

- 5 Chin-Ups

- Balance Beam Walk & Catch

- Single Leg Balance Beam & Catch

- Run to Scarlett Oak Park

- 30 Second L-Shape Hang

- 30 Second Deadhang

- 30 Seconds Tricep Dips

- 30 Seconds KB Hammer Curls

- 30 Seconds KB Bottoms Up Presses

- 30 Seconds KB Lateral Raises

- 30 Seconds KB Front Raises

- 30 Seconds KB RDL

- 30 Seconds KB Squat

- 30 Seconds Push-Ups

- Run to original park

- 30 Battle Rope Slams

- 10 Burpees

- 30 Push-Ups

- 10 Chin-Ups

- 30 In & Out Crunches

- 10 Body Weight Rows

- Run to Scarlett Oak Park

- 10 Tricep Dips

- 10 KB Tricep Extensions

- 10 KB Reverse Curls

- 10 KB Bent Over Rows

- Run to original park

- 10 Chin-Ups

- 10 Hanging Leg Raises

- 10 Leg Tosses

Cool Down:

- Stretch
