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8:30 AM

13.1 mi


9:55 mi


182 lb

Race Result

224 / 487 (46%)
160 / 253 (63.2%)


Naperville Trails Half Marathon

My first half marathon in about 7 years. This race definitely didn’t go according to plan. My legs felt heavy early. I was battling nagging little injuries. And I was just trying to get loose. I still had a good time and I’m excited for the next half marathon. I decided to push myself and give everything I had the last mile. My final mile was my fastest mile. I’m constantly preaching finishing strong to my clients. Always make your last set your best set or your last rep your best rep. In the case of running make your last mile your best mile.

At the end of the day not everything will go according to plan. On race days anything can happen. You might not feel good or you might be battling injuries. It could be a number of a million things. Just make sure you always find a way to push through. Finish strong!
