Run: Fartlek Previous Next


2:30 PM

6 mi


6:57 mi


-3 C


9 / 10
8 / 10


Today was suppose to have been a interval session after work and as I looked out the front doors through out the morning and early afternoon it was looking like a sunny but bitterly cold day with the roads and paths clear of snow and ice.

I was very hopeful of getting a good hard session of 5 x 5 mins hard with 2 mins recoveries in daylight hours. As 2.30pm arrived i quickly got myself changed and headed out the door into the cold fresh air. I started with a easy 10 mins jog up tomich road and into the industrial estate it was right then i realised that my planned session was going to have to be revised as the roads and paths on the outskirts of the town had not had the full services of the highland council or roads department yet.

The revised plan was to do a fartlek session, running hard whenever the tarmac was visible and ice free. It really worked out well as the efforts ranged from 90 seconds to 3.30 mins with around 7 or 8 efforts in total. The recoveries were at reasonable easy pace as I didn't want to take any risks over the slushy snow and ice.

I felt good throughout the run and was surprised how well i recovered between efforts.
