Run: Easy Next


6 mi


8:26 mi


5 / 10
3 / 10


By the time I finished work it was -6 outside and getting dark so I had already decided it was going to be a session on the treadmill. I must admit I am not a great fan of using treadmills as a regular part of any runners training but sometimes needs must and at least you can get session under your belt in reasonably safe surrounding. My big gripe with treadmills is I find it such a unnatural running style I feel like I am running slightly flat footed with less knee lift and push off from my forefoot than I do when running outdoors. I can remember the days when I use to run lap after lap of our games hall changing direction ever 4 or 5 laps by running diagonally down the length of the hall, I sometimes use to run for up to an hour at a time, really it was anything to avoid using the treadmill.

This evenings run was suppose to be a nice easy 6 mile run but I always get so bored and unable to relax on a treadmill I end up playing about with the speed and elevation and doing some form of fartlek training, my overall time for the distance is normally not to far away from what I had predicted before hand as I nearly always end up doing extra long recoveries at a fairly slow pace. My overall time ended up being 50.36 mins which was 24 seconds faster than my current pace for my easy/recovery runs.
