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8.5 mi

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<No name>


great session today.. Felt very strong, controlled and relaxed.. Mal tried to integrate the session so that me pajo and jp were all doing the same pace so jp was doing 5x1k and pajo was doing 3x1200m(1,3,5).. I worked well as we all took turns leading and I actually got to sit in on a rep and that felt good and it made the session for me.. We went out in 63 on the 1st rep and then we slowed on the 2nd lap and I didnt want to speed up too much on the 3rd lap.. The next 3 reps were bang on and I was still feeling good on the last and pajo went through in 65 so I just decided to keep that pace for the rep and felt good at the end.. On the warm down I felt that achilles thing but I didnt feel it during the session
