Run: Tempo Previous Next


2:22 PM

10.5 mi


6:26 mi


9 / 10
7 / 10
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So the plan was to get a progressive 5 mile tempo in. Start around 6min pace and work down to the last two miles at 5:20 effort or so. The run didn't quite go like that. I'm hoping it was the footing. Road out to theodore Wirth with Haley so she could ski. I was planning on running to Calhoun from Wirth, tempo there, then running home to cool down. Got to Calhoun a bit over three miles in. Did some drills. There was a pretty strong wind coming up from the south, so the north side of the lake, even for 17 degrees above, was harsh. First mile and a half was into the wind, third mile with the wind, last mile and a half into the wind again. It wasn't until the last two miles I felt I was over the red line. So much so I had to pull it during the last half mile. Running workouts on packed snow, I know I need to adjust and only think about effort, which makes me regret not using my HRM today. It was a solid run none the less but still a bit frustrating. Not sure why, since I have no major races till spring. This indoor mile should be interesting.



What indoor mile? At alumni or are you running meet of the miles?