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11:26 AM

12.2 mi


6:07 mi


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7 / 10
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Sort of a standard Daniels cruise interval type workout. 15min@tempo, 3min job, 2x10min at tempo, 2min jog, then 5min at tempo. In actuality, I started just slower than tempo, and worked just quicker than tempo. Good confidence booster. Had some serious doubts if I could finish toward the end, but when it got mentally challenging, there seemed to be a second wind.

On another note, I'll touch on my recent trip out the Beaverton for Nike.

Got selected from our store who happened to have an awesome month for Nike sales, to tour the Nike campus, meet some sweet people, and watch the Pre Classic. Really incredible. Flew out to Portland last Thursday, and went to the Nike campus, which is insane, and I now want to work there. Ran into some Nike athletes who were bummin' around, Teg, Moser, Heath. We learned a ton about the company, specifically their run specialty devision. We all got some Peg 32s, Peg Internationalists, some clothes, and a commuter back pack. So the first day was all in Beaverton, then we went down to Eugene. We got a tour of the University, and then Hayward Field, all ending with a run starting through the cemetery, and ending at Pre's Rock.

We stayed overnight in Springfield, about 3miles north east of the University. The next morning started early, at 6 am. We met at Hayward Field for the "Oregon workout". Similar to Dan's 200 on 200 off run. Except on was 200 in 30sec, and off was 200 in 40 sec. Side note, Pre had the Oregon record for this workout which I think was a little over 5k, until Rupp took it down when he "attended" Oregon. Oh, also, Willy Kaul works for Nike now. I met him out on the track and was like "what are you doing here"? He ended up pacing our group which was adjusted to 35/45. We did a mile, then 800, then 400. It wasn't too challenging, but then I wasn't there with college runners, I was there with younger athletic business people. Either way, pretty sweet to say the first time I visited Hayward Field was while I did a work out on it.

That afternoon, I needed some miles so I sneaked in a second run down to Pre's trail. Ran past Shannon Rowbury out there. Finished back at the hotel and waited to go to the Pre Classic that evening.

Before I knew it, I got some sweet distance action. Starting with some prep miles and 200s. On the way to Portland, I ended up sitting next to Stephanie Jenks, who happens to be ranked the number run prep miler in the country as a junior. Caught her race, though she ended up not winning, her mile time is quicker than I was running in high school (her PR is 4:40 for the full mile). Then for the big boys, we saw the 5k and 10k. Of the evening, I think the best part was seeing Levins break the Canadian 10k record, or listening to Farah bitch about the pacing. Both were amusing in their own separate ways.

Got back late, had some drinks then went to bed. Early morning again with another Nike run from the Nike store in Eugene. Had a pretty large crew. Went out to Pre's trail, and got in a 5 miler. It was tough to get in any miles, as we were always on a schedule. Though, during the last mile, got rolled up on by Tara Erdman. Not a bad sight!

Ended with some pancakes and back on the bus we went. Watched the second day of the Pre Classic, and had killer seats. Facing head on, right in front of the finish line. (Also sat in close proximity to Tara Erdman again). Another full day of Track, and it was tremendous. Got to witness a lot of great races, throws, and jumps in person! Once the meet wrapped up, started to work our way to the bus, but ran into Jager, so of course I had to try to get a picture. As much as I look down on selfies, I didn't care this time. Once we were back on the bus, we drove back to Portland, and had a rather fancy 3 course meal at a restaurant I don't even remember the name. Did some drinking that night at a rooftop bar down town, but as our plane left early in the morning, I didn't stay out too late.

Probably one of the best trips I've taken yet. Who knows, I'm going out to NYC in two weeks, but no track will be involved.
