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12:09 PM

10.9 mi


6:49 mi


7 / 10
7 / 10
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12x200's from 5k to mile efforts. Ran this down on the SW track. About 2 miles from the apartment now, instead of less than 1/2 a mile. At least I'm not tempted to cut the warm up or cool down short. Got going as the rain began to let up. Did some strides and drills, then got going. Not a very strenuous workout, but got some turnover work in that began to work the aerobic side over the last few repeats, as the last four or so were far from being recovered on the easy 200 section.

Also had some wildlife issues today. Starting my second 200, a squirrel couldn't decide if it was going to cross the track, but then went for it. I almost crushed it's head with my foot. Instead, I leaped what felt like 20 feet over the top of it to avoid a collision. In reality it was probably just a really long stride. Also, a dog must have gotten hold of a rabbit. I saw a head, colon, and ilium, and a few segments of the small intestine. No duodenum though. All pieces where in lane one. At least they were on the outer half of lane one.
