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15 mi


6:58 mi



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Really fucking hot today. Didn't do a good job of hydrating or eating this morning. Ate shit on my run. Had to walk off for a bit near lowes for about 300m. Oh yeah, i forgot to mention i was running with warren. Anyway, so we stopped into lowes to get some of their fine drinking water to find out that the shit was broken. So i fucking ripped up the pump with my bare hands and smashed cars in the parking lot out of frustration.....well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration but i wasnt thrilled to find no water as i was damn thirsty. After we got back on to state street i could feel my quads and calfs starting to cramp up a bit. Had to take a few quick stretching breaks. left warren by the time we got to waterstreet to do a final calf stretch only to end up a about 100m behind him running down water. So i got back to my house and drank a cup of water only to puke it back up. Of all the shitty runs i've been on this was one to make the top of my list. On the good side of things, warren and i were putting out the vibe so all these bitches kept on wanting on us hard.
