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8:43 AM

7.8 mi


5:40 mi


8 / 10
7 / 10
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Morning workout with Jack. Glad to have a partner for this one. A dusting of snow this morning made for less than ideal footing packed with plenty of surprises. Mainly ice patches. Met and the bandshell and decided Calhoun may be the best place to do these. Goal of 6xmile around 5:00-5:05 with 2:30 easy between. Calhoun turned out to be just as good as anywhere else this morning, so the first few were a little tricky. Both of us almost went down couple of times, and it was hard to really feel confident opening up. At least the lakes weren't packed with people. By the time we finished, the footing was better, but still spotty. On miles 3-4 I started to get a bit fatigued. Then after the 5th I told Jack I didn't think I could, or should, do another. Somehow he convinced me to at least start the 6th and go from there. It turned out the 6th mile was the best I felt the entire way.

Got home, stretch and roll. Thinking on not doubling this evening. Plenty of other things I can work on besides.
