Run: Tempo Previous Next


2:36 PM

12.5 mi


5:58 mi


7 / 10
7 / 10
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Finally, it feels like my legs are back from last week. Was able to tackle this one no problem in 80 degrees and pure sun. Although, going into it I was a bit unsure as I totally embarrassed myself last night. Coming back on the foot path just under the bridge by Lake of the Isles, I saw that it was flooded. Thinking quickly I tried to hop the guard rail onto the bike path. I ended up misjudging my orientation on my way back down and landed on my wrist and hip. The same hip that I had that bursitis in my last season after I crashed my bike. It felt the same and all I could think of was "shit, Grandmas is over". Anyways, I did that in front of a large group of people. Some laughed, some stared, some came running asking if I needed help. Shook it off, on got on my way. When I left this afternoon, it was a little stiff, but thankfully nothing more than that.

Today was one of my last "harder" workouts prior to grandmas. I planned another 3x3mile working down from MP to tempo. Everything felt great, nothing hurt or felt tweaked, and finally felt like I had energy in my legs again.

Short cool down, but have to get my lifting done in a timely manner tonight. Got a bonus from work so I'm taking the ol' ball and chain out for dinner tonight.
