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10 km


5:31 mi

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<No name>


Well this was a strange race but I'm glad I did. First of all I was under the assumption that this was going to be on Sun. so I had planned my weekly training around that. I then learn on Friday after my run that the race is actually on Saturday and the cut off for entries is at 6pm. One hour after i finished running. So I'm calling the YMCA and trying to get a hold of some race directors to let me into the race. Eventually at 10:30 I get a call from the race director telling me that she would let me into the race. I am scrambling around till 11:30 getting my bike together and other necessities. I get to bed and wake up 5 hours later at 4:30 to start driving to Wausau to get to the pre race meeting on time. Anyway, I am finally there and registered and ready to go. I get there and the race director asks me if I wanted to be in the Elite wave with the professional triathletes so I was like sure. There were only 5 professional racers there and everyone else had to supply qualifying times to participate in that wave.

Swim, 800m: 20:18: Not what I was expecting. Thought I'd at least be around 18min -17min. I guess thats what I get for swimming zigzaged lines since I couldn't see the swim line with the sun glaring off the lake. So being the last one out of the lake I am assuming the race directors are like "wow, this kid is in over his head.

T1: 1:22: A lot quicker than the last tri I did.

Bike, 28 miles: 1:17:23: This course was hilly as fuck. One large hill with a 200ft climb, 3 medium hills between 100-150 ft climb, and a ton of small rolling hills like doing II over and over. I tried to tear this course up and ended up taking a ton of energy out for the run. Only one person passed me and ended up beating me. But he was also on a cervelo P3 time trial bike and I was on a full Alum. full sora entry level road bike with clip tri bars. I like knowing that when I'm passing the wanna bees on their full carbon tri bikes. Anyway, with about a mile to go I took a digger. A bump knocked my front wheel and jostled my onto the gravel shoulder where I went over the handlebars into the grass. Fucked up my shifters and embarrassed myself.

T2: 133

Run: 10k: 34:11. I was trying as hard as I could to break 34 today. I've literally never hurt so bad. I thought I was going quite a bit slower while I was out on the course. But you know your a runner when your pace is faster than anyone else including all the short course participants.

Final time 2:14:46

Took 4 over all. 1st non professional/team signed participant to finish. Beat 2 signed guys too. Not too bad considering what I had to do to get to this race.

After the race I had to drive back to EC. This sucked. You know that feeling you get after a really fucking hard race that you have to through up. Felt like that the entire ride back. Thew up twice. Luckily not in the car. Just the parking lot of some gas stations.

Though I might add one more thing. I believe this is my 10k PR. Weird.
