Run: Easy Previous Next


6:15 PM

3.1 mi


7:57 mi


192.2 lb
174 bpm
189 bpm


59 F


5 / 10
2 / 10
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Lake Murray (Inner Dirt Loop)

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---No dry-heaves, no stops. #BabySteps---

Drove out to Lake Murray again, but ran Inside Lake Murray Dirt Loop for the first time. Each loop was about 0.78 miles. It was 98 percent on dirt, two percent on scattered rocks, but absolutely no pavement. I’ve run on it before a long time ago, but it was a nice change of pace from the opposite side.

The biggest thing I can take away from today’s run was that I didn’t stop and I didn’t dry-heave. I know that’s pathetic, but it’s a start in my book. My legs felt OK again, but my breathing was still pretty off. I tried to control it, but it was hard at times. Saw a lot of people walking dogs. Got some looks as if they were wondering why I was running on the dirt and not on the pavement, which was very close to where I was running. First, I’m not in shape and I don’t want some joker racing me on the pavement. That’s why I run these indoor and outdoor loops. They are away from everything else, including all the people. Second, running on dirt is good for my out-of-shape frame. Much better than the hard pavement. Third, fuck off, it’s a public park.

I said Monday I need to start running every day and instead I took two straight days off. I need to get in a routine.

Song: N/A

Stops: 0

Dry-Heaves: 0

Times on Inside Lake Murray Dirt Loop (laps listed only)

* 04/12/12 - 4 laps - 3.11 mi. in 24:43 (7:57 pace) - (6:06, 6:17 (12:23), 6:13 (18:36), 6:07 (24:43)); AHR: 174/MHR: 189; Weight - 192.2

Past April 12th’s

2012 - 3.11 mi. in 24:43 (7:57 pace) at 6:15 p.m. in San Diego (Lake Murray: Inside Lake Murray Dirt Loop); AHR: 174/MHR: 189; Weight - 192.2

2011 - Did not run

2010 - Did not run

2009 - Did not run

2008 - Did not run

2007 - Did not run

2006 - 4.52 mi. in 33:36 (7:27 pace) at 9:30 p.m. in San Diego (College Area: 70th)

2005 - Did not run

2004 - N/A

2003 - 3.50 mi. in 24:30 (7:00 pace) at 10:15 p.m. in Ursinus, Pa. (Random) | 4 x 100m strides --> DAY TOTAL: 3.75 miles

2002 - 3.00 mi. in 22:30 (7:30 pace) (w/ Sander & Matt) at 4:20 p.m. in Brockport (Random) | 2 x 100m strides --> DAY TOTAL: 3.13 miles

2001 - N/A

2000 - N/A
