Run: Morning Previous Next


11:35 AM

6.8 mi


7:07 mi


58 F


5 / 10
5 / 10


Ran the 2.43-mile Full Hazard loop at 7:01 pace and the 4.33-mile Louisiana loop at 7:06 pace, 12 seconds off a PR. Legs felt ok but a little tired. Tried to keep it easy, but was going kind of hard at times. Hit 63-plus for the week, longest week since Sept. 12-18, 2004.

But here's the fun part. I hit the main four-way light that is usually about 0.33 from home. I always hit the button to cross, but cross as soon as I see the green arrow in the opposite lane (Northwest). I always beat the cars. Well as soon as I started today I happened to glance a bit to my left and saw a police car. Shit I thought, jaywalking isn't good. Then I thought well the traffic is bad, he won't catch me, lets pick it up a bit. So I picked it up a bit thinking this would be a fun story to write in my running log. Then I see the cop pass on the left and thought, "I got you. Thanks for not stopping." But then he slows down and unknowingly pulls into our condo driveway. He was like 40 yards ahead or so and put on his lights. This could be bad. I picked it up even more and took a quick right before my complex (so I'm running along it). Just as I turned, I hear the cop's car go "Bleh" sound (that short, quick wanna-be siren) and then I hammered the 50 or so yards to the side entrance. I grab the key from my back pocket, open the door, run low to the ground to the stairs and book it up to the third floor. JME 1, Cops 0. The best part is that I stopped my watch (by habit) as soon as I hit the side entrance. I might have actually run an extra 0.01 or so! EDIT: I went out in the front 45 minutes later to pick something up for the Chargers game tomorrow and no cops. Apparently I wasn't on their most wanted list. Someday though, someday.
