Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:15 PM

5 mi


6:32 mi


57 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


Wow! I ran the 5.00-mile Camino South-North Loop in a 1:30 PR. Didn't plan on it but sometimes those things happen. Actually dry-heaved twice the first mile and felt like stopping. I wasn't going too hard but something was up. It was probably the three Mountain Dews I had the previous three hours and the dehydration from the night before.

Ran the first mile in 6:56.9 (usual), then the second in 6:54.3. The second is a big uphill and downhill and usually around 7:20-25. Damn I thought, this isn't good. At this point I changed gears from an easy run to trying to PR on the loop. Ran the next mile in 6:44.4 followed by a very surprising 6:18.2. Oh shit. Then picked it up and really picked it up even more the last 0.3 or so and ended up running a 5:41.4 last mile with two more dry heaves. It's been over four years (I think) since I've gone under 6.

Really going to pay for this tomorrow but I still plan on running 10. As I write this my right shin (not my left) is hurting. Nothing a few ibprofen and some Sparks can't get rid of! 49.13 for the week.
