Run: Morning Previous Next


9:11 AM

3.2 mi


8:49 mi


201.6 lb
162 bpm
181 bpm


55 F


5 / 10
4 / 10
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--- Good run after taking the last three days off because of 44.33 hours of work, including a 17.67-hour work day on Tuesday. Meant to run yesterday but was exhausted. ---

Mile splits: 9:01, 8:47 (17:48), 8:45 (26:33) and 1:11 (27:44) last 0.15 miles (7:54 pace)

Adjusted mile splits: 8:42, 8:36, 8:37 and 8:37 pace last 0.15 miles

Finally got to run today after taking the last three days off, two on purpose and one because I was exhausted. I knew Monday and Tuesday would be bad at work, but I worked 32.92 hours over those days, including 17.67 on Tuesday. Then I traveled with softball on Wednesday what turned out to be a 11.42-hour day, including working on the bus ride up, down and at home when I got back. So decided to bail out on the run Wednesday and try to catch up on some sleep. I think it worked because I felt much better when I woke up today.

Walked across the street to start the loop for Around the Neighborhood. Did a quick stretch of my quads, hips and ankles and I was off. I made it a point to keep it easy to start because I hit a wall early in my last time running this 11 days earlier after going out in 8:43 (8:24 adjusted). Definitely felt like I kept it easier, I think splitting 2:15 for 0.25 miles and definitely 4:30 at 0.50 miles. Got a little motivation on the Stanford hill when a black man across the street started clapping his hands and said something along the lines of, “That’s it!” Felt OK up the hill and on 70th. Hit the first mile in 9:01 (adjusted 8:42) and was happy what that. Knew I could come back later.

Started to feel real good coming back on 71st. Felt it a little bit on Normandie Place, but nowhere near as bad as 11 days ago. Hit the second mile in 8:47 (adjusted 8:36) (17:48) 12 seconds faster than last time, but five seconds slower through two miles.

Felt good again on Harbinson and got into a good rhythm I think. The last hills were tough on the turn on Stanford, but I got through them OK. I hit the third mile in 8:45 (adjusted 8:37) (26:33), 34 seconds faster than 11 days ago and 29 seconds faster through three miles. So definitely did a good job of not taking it out quick.

Finished altogether, today 3.15 miles, in 27:44 (8:49 pace). Was happy that I ran it 44 seconds faster than 11 days ago, despite being bogged down from work over the last three days. It was my second-fastest time on this loop out of the five times I’ve run it.

Looking forward to a mindless recovery run tomorrow.

Song(s) in my Head: n/a

Stops: 0

Dry-Heaves: 0

Times on Around the Neighborhood (^ morning run)

^ 02/13/20 - 3.15 mi. in 27:44 (8:49 pace) - 9:01, 8:47 (17:48), 8:45 (26:33) & 1:11 (27:44) last 0.15; AHR: 162; MHR: 181; Weight - 201.6

* 02/02/20 - 3.18 mi. in 28:28 (8:58 pace) - 8:44, 8:59 (17:43), 9:19 (27:02) & 1:26 (28:28) last 0.18; AHR: 168; MHR: 183; Weight - 203.8

^ 06/07/19 - 3.15 mi. in 27:13 (8:39 pace) - 8:51, 8:43 (17:34), 8:28 (26:02) & 1:11 (27:13) last 0.15; AHR: 162; MHR: 179; Weight - 195.4

^ 05/30/19 - 3.17 mi. in 27:56 (8:49 pace) - 8:50, 8:50 (17:40) 8:53 (26:33) & 1:23 (27:56) last 0.17; AHR: 162; MHR: 177; Weight - 196.6

* 05/19/19 - 3.17 mi. in 28:55 (9:08 pace) - 9:06, 9:07 (18:13), 9:16 (27:29) & 1:26 (28:55) last 0.17; AHR: 165; MHR: 178; Weight - 199.4

Past Feb. 13th’s

Today - 3.15 mi. in 27:44 (8:49 pace) at 9:11 a.m. in San Diego (La Mesa: Around the Neighborhood); AHR: 162; MHR: 181; Weight - 201.6

2019 - Did not run

2018 - Did not run

2017 - Did not run

2016 - Did not run

2015 - Did not run

2014 - Did not run

2013 - Did not run

2012 - Did not run

2011 - Did not run

2010 - Did not run

2009 - Did not run

2008 - Did not run

2007 - Did not run

2006 - 3.22 mi. in 24:59 (7:46 pace) at 8:30 p.m. in San Diego (College Area: University-El Cajon)

2005 - 3.22 mi. in 23:05 (7:09 pace) at 8:35 p.m. in San Diego (College Area: University-El Cajon)

2004 -

2003 - A.M.: 3.10 mi. in 24:13 (7:49 pace) at 10:25 a.m. in Brockport (Random) ||| P.M.: 8.00 mi. in 56:15 (7:02 pace) at 5:05 p.m. in Brockport (Random) --> DAY TOTAL: 11.10 miles

2002 - WARM-UP: 1.20 mi. in 8:16 (7:12 pace) (w/ Dave) at 3:45 p.m. in Brockport (Out to Sweden Hills) | WORKOUT: 3.62 mi. on Sweden Hills in 28:53 (7:59 pace) (w/ Dave) at 4:15 p.m. (Sweden Hills) | COOLDOWN: 1.20 mi. in 8:35 (7:28 pace) (w/ Dave) at 5 p.m. (Back from Sweden Hills) --> DAY TOTAL: 6.02 miles

2001 - N/A

2000 - N/A
